Preacher Girl Podcast, September 2019

Something Good was granted an interview by Rachel Arner of the Preacher Girl Podcast in September 2019. It was really great to get to chat with Rachel, who had some great insights and is herself quite a prolific voice in the world of missions.

Because it’s dead simple and has a really low barrier to entry, [Something Good] appeals to those who may be in a depressed state or who struggle with self-worth.

A paraphrased quote from the interview with Rachel Arner of Preacher Girl

The Union Bulletin, August 2019

Something Good was featured in an article in the Walla Walla Union Bulletin in August of 2019. I very much enjoyed interviewing with Vicki Hillhouse, who not only did a phenomenal job capturing the interesting bits about making this app, but who is also an exceptional human being (and a great conversationalist)!

Albeit small tasks, Coleman said the purpose is bigger than it may seem. The interactions with people and our surroundings that come from it make users more conscientious of their mission of good.

A quote from the Union Bulletin Article

Spectrum Magazine, July 2019

Something Good was featured via an interview article in Spectrum Magazine in July of 2019. Spectrum largely speaks to a Seventh-day Adventist readership, with a reputation for viewing topics through a lens of acceptance and open-mindedness. I was thrilled to get to spread the message of goodness by interviewing there.

Most recently I led a team of designers, developers, and architects all over the world who were fulfilling year-long Google contracts. The ambition was high, but the human cost was also high. Unless you’re very careful, people can start to feel like numbers with little intrinsic, human value. This happened to me, and I burned out.

A quote from the interview article at Spectrum Magazine